When you are thinking about starting college, one of the most important things to consider is funding and how you intend to pay for some of the costs that come with being a student.
You will need to consider two things: How you will pay for your tuition fees (course cost) and how you will pay for your other living costs including travel, food, and accommodation.
We can also help find funding solutions for your business or for training your team through Innovation Grants.
![Student from above looking at the funding tool page on their laptop.](/media/fshoy4od/funding-tool.jpg?center=0.295867798105936,0.533715925394548&mode=crop&quality=80&width=580&height=440&rnd=132714297889430000)
Try our funding tool
To assist you in finding out whether your course fees will be covered and what financial support you may be able to apply for, please use our funding tool.
Use the Funding Tool