Student picking out a book from a library shelf.

Students' Association

As soon as you enrol at Edinburgh College you become a member of the Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA).

Edinburgh College Students Association 

ECSA is here to represent all students at Edinburgh College which means what they do changes to suit the needs of the student body. They make sure your voice is heard through the class rep system, allowing you to put your ideas across to the College at all levels. This means you can make a real difference as a student. If you have an issue with any aspect of your College life such as funding, bursaries or academic problems, ECSA is here to help.

ECSA runs lots of fun activities throughout the year that are all about giving you great experiences and opportunities, including:

  • Freshers' Week
  • Class Rep Conferences
  • ECSA-licence Awards
  • Societies and Sports Clubs 
  • Elections of Student Officers


ECSA is a Scottish registered charity (SC028544), which means it is overseen by a Board of Trustees. Their responsibility is to ensure good governance, that it is administered effectively, and that they operate within the law.

ECSA's Board of Trustees are:

  • Jordan Wyllie: Chair of Trustees and Full-time Officer Trustee
  • Victoria Browning: Full-time Officer Trustee
  • Rose Dodgson: Full-time Officer Trustee
  • Glenn Higgins: Student Trustee
  • Natalie Lennox: Student Trustee
  • Antony Blackshaw: Vice-Chair and External Trustee
  • Amanda Pringle: External Trustee
  • VACANT: External Trustee
Smiling student with their backpack over their shoulder, holding a stack of books, with headphones around their neck.

ECSA Website

Make sure your voice is heard through the class rep system, allowing you to put your ideas across to the College at all levels. This means you can make a real difference as a student.

Visit the ECSA website