Our teams are here to provide you with guidance about your next steps after college, whether you are heading to university or starting your career.
We have Guidance staff at each campus who are dedicated to helping you throughout your time at Edinburgh College. Our friendly and experienced team will help you with any questions you have about being at college including next steps after college. This includes CV preparation and interview skills, help with UCAS applications as well as support with finding part-time work while still at college.
We have dedicated Skills Development Scotland Careers Advisors who can advise you on all aspects of career planning including CV preparation, interview techniques and career options.
Your Personal Tutor can also help find the next and most appropriate step for you. You can also visit the career planning section of our website for additional online resources like Career Coach and JobZone.

Contact us
If you would like to speak to a member of the Guidance team or a Careers Advisor, email the team on at guidance@edinburghcollege.ac.uk
Email the Guidance team