Lecturer is helping a student by showing them something on their laptop.

Career Coach

Career Coach is an online career and course matching portal that enables you to make informed course and career choices. The system uses live data from a range of economic and government sources to provide up to date information on employment opportunities, pay scales, current vacancies and the outlook for future opportunities in the region.

Student at a desk in the library with their laptop open, looking at Edinburgh College progression maps on the screen.

Research Careers with Career Coach

Using Career Coach, you can research your career interests, or take a career assessment if you don't know where to start.

Learn about typical tasks and requirements to gauge which career would be a good fit.

Using Career Coach

Check the Data

Evaluate careers based on average pay scales and current and future employment opportunities.

See which companies are hiring and explore live job postings to learn what they want from future employees.

Choose a Path

Explore the available courses that lead to the career you want, and choose the study options that best fit your needs.

If you are thinking about coming to College and would like to find out more about our courses or need help to make an application, ring our course information line on 0131 660 1010 or email us at courseinfo@edinburghcollege.ac.uk.

You can make an appointment to meet with one of our Course Advisers to discuss course options and have a look around the campus. Our Advisers will help you with any questions you have about coming to College and assist you in making your course application

Alternatively, you can apply directly through the College website by picking your ideal course.

Find a Job

A live link to indeed.co.uk shows you the latest job postings in the area helping you achieve your career goals.