Welcome to the Friends of Edinburgh College, a growing network of former staff and students, key stakeholders, former international students and international stakeholders, former board members, partner organisations, businesses, and industry partners.
The Friends of Edinburgh College network aims to:
- keep you up to date about developments at the College through a Friends Newsletter, college social media channels, and the College website
- showcase and improve your awareness of the great work of staff and students at the College
- make you aware of new courses at the College to help you get a better job, and improve your career
- invite you to events and other activities at the College
- invite you to support and fund projects that will directly benefit student wellbeing and achievement at the College
Friends of Edinburgh College network will engage in fundraising activities in partnership with the Edinburgh College Development Trust.
This Trust is a separate legal entity from the College, and is a registered charity in its own right.
The Trust will receive and manage all funds raised by the Friends of Edinburgh College network, to ensure that donations by individuals, stakeholders, businesses and others are well managed, and are only spent on educational and wellbeing projects for students
The Friends of Edinburgh College is free to join, send us an email to confirm your name, and to indicate if you are:
- a former student
- a former staff member
- a former board member
- a key stakeholder or partner organisation
- a business or industry partner
- a former international students and international stakeholders
We will then send an email back to you to confirm that we have your details, and that you are a member of the network.
Your details will be held securely by the College, and will only be used to contact you about Friends of Edinburgh College business.

How to get involved
Friends of Edinburgh College is free to join and a great way to enhance your networks.
Contact us to get involved