Coming to College is a big decision and you might have a lot of questions about the application process, our courses, funding or childcare. We have answered our most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision about studying with us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about applying for and studying at Edinburgh College.
When you study at Edinburgh College you will need to consider paying for course fees and living costs like travel, accommodation and materials. There are options available to you to help you fund your studies at college.
Funding options to help with living costs include:
- Bursary (full-time students only)
- Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
- Childcare Funding
- Discretionary Funding
- Care Experienced Bursary
Funding options to pay for course fees include:
- Fee wavier
- SAAS (for Higher Education courses only)
- Home or International Tuition Fees
Find out more about course costs, funding and fees on the Funding and Fees section of our website.
Childcare funding is available for students on full-time courses and part-time Further Education courses. You can find out more about this on the Childcare funding section of our website.
The Waterfront Nursery is based at our Granton Campus and is open to students and staff of the college, as well as the general public. The nursery offers term time only contracts to students, so you can apply for funding without paying for non-funded student holidays.
Our Learning Support team can create a personal learning support plan with you to make sure you have all the support you need during your studies. If you disclose information about a disability or additional learning support need on your application, a member of the team will contact you directly to talk with you about this. You can also get in touch with the team after you have enrolled via email:
There is lots of support available at Edinburgh College to help you throughout your studies.
Our Student Services team is committed to helping you throughout your time at college by providing information on a range of topics. Teaching staff and Learning Development Tutors (LDTs) can help with specific queries relating to your course and any work you are expected to complete.
- Meet with one of our Wellbeing team who you can talk to in a confidential space by booking via the Wellbeing Hub on Moodle.
- Explore a range of self-management measures including NHS approved apps and online resources to help with issues including anxiety, self-harm, depression, stress and sleep difficulties (as well as some help with study strategies if appropriate) and SilverCloud.
- Get information about activities being offered by the Students' Association to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
- Find out about being referred to our college Counselling Service.
- Receive the fortnightly Wellbeing Newsletter.
- Sign up for any of the wellbeing groups or workshop sessions via the Wellbeing Hub on Moodle.
Learn more on the Wellbeing section of our website.
Edinburgh College is a fantastic option for school leavers. We offer a large range of courses to get you ready for the world of work or university level study. Going to university or into the world of work straight from school is a big step, so College is an excellent transition which can help boost your confidence for progressing on to university or the world of work.
College is a bit different from school as you will have more freedom over your learning. This also means more responsibilities. Class sizes are typically smaller than university lectures, and you can access a range of support to help you throughout your studies at Edinburgh College.
You can submit your application online through our application system on our website. Go to the course you want to apply for and click ‘Apply Now’ to start your application.
For more information about applications, visit the Application Advice section of our website.
What you study at college is entirely up to you. You might want to build on a subject you studied at school, try something new, prepare for university or get skills to be job ready.
Browse our courses on our website to see what is available to you and talk your options over with a guidance teacher, family member or friend.
For help with choosing what to study visit the career planning section of our website.
This depends on the type of course you study. A HND, for example, takes two years to complete if you are studying full-time, but we do offer shorter courses where you can get a qualification within a year. We have shorter Skills Boost courses which between one and three weeks.
Start and end dates will be on the course listing on our website.
You can find the course entry requirements on the course listing on our website. Don’t worry if you don’t have the entry requirements, we might be able to get you on a course that is more suitable level.
Your course start date will be on the course listing on our website. You will receive your timetable after you have enrolled online.
College is a flexible option so this is entirely up to you. After your course is complete you might decide to progress within college, move on to university or secure employment.
If you want to stay at College after your course you can progress to a higher level of study or you could try something new. Our Student Services team and your lecturers will be able to give you some guidance on your next steps after College.
Returning to education is a balancing act, especially if you are fitting your studies around work or family commitments.
There are different study modes available which can help you fit your studies around your life.
- Full-time courses typically require you to attend classes three and half days a week.
- Part-time courses typically require you to attend classes one or two days a week.
- Evening courses typically require you to attend classes one or two evenings a week.
- Open learning courses allow you to study in your own time and at your own place, so these are our most flexible type of course.
Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) runs a range of sports clubs, societies and groups. Some of these groups are still meeting regularly online.
Find out more about clubs and societies on ECSA’s website.
There are libraries and resource centres at each of our campuses that you will be able to access throughout your studies. At the moment, our libraries can be accessed virtually through Moodle. Access to our campus libraries are strictly for our click and collect service only.
As a student at Edinburgh College you can also take advantage of our training salons, training restaurants and leisure facilities at reduced prices. Find out more about our health and leisure facilities on our website.

Contact Course Information
If your question hasn't been answered in our frequently asked questions, please contact the Course Information team.
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