Three young students looking at a book together and discussing it.

Help With Choosing What to Study

We run courses across 25 different subject areas with full-time, part-time and evening options available. There are lots of options at Edinburgh College, so deciding what course to study and what level is right for you can be overwhelming.

We want all students to realise their full potential by starting or moving onto the right course at the right level for them.

If you’re not sure what college course to choose or what your next step is when you complete your course, we’re here to help. Have a look at some of the resources below to help you decide what your next step is.

Course Information and Advice

If you are thinking about coming to college and would like to find out more about our courses or need help to make an application, get in touch with our Course Information team. You can speak with one of our Course Advisors to discuss course options. Our Advisors can help with any questions you have about coming to college and help you to make your application.

Phone the Course Information Line on 0131 297 8300 or email the team at

Learning Development Tutor (LDT)

If you are a current student, your Learning Development Tutor (LDT) will work with you to help you find the most appropriate next step for you. They will spend tutorial time looking at opportunities for you, discussing options and helping with any application forms.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) College Careers Advisors

The college has SDS Careers Advisors on hand who work with existing and former students. Advisors can provide support for students at all stages of career planning, including:

  • Information and advice on the range of careers available
  • Help with choosing courses at college or university
  • Information on entry qualifications
  • Information on job training opportunities

My World of Work Website

The My World of Work website is an ideal starting point when thinking about careers. We recommend that you visit this website for all stages of career planning.

On the My World of Work website, you can use their tools and resources to:

  • Find careers that match your personality
  • Discover jobs that suit your strengths and skills
  • Research careers by looking at job profiles
  • Get tips for CVs, application forms and interviews

To find out more, visit the My World of Work website.

Career Coach

Career Coach is an online career and course matching portal that can help you make informed decisions about your course at college and your future career. You can research your career and course interests. If you’re not sure where to start, you can take a career assessment to learn more about yourself and get suggestions for potential career paths.

Visit Career Coach to start exploring your options.


Pathways is a website that lets you view agreed pathways between college and university courses. If you know you want to study at university but would like to come to college first, you can use Pathways to find out what course is right for you. 

Visit the Pathways website to find your path from college to university.