Young student standing next to the sign in an office on their work placement.


Apprenticeships allow students to learn while having the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace. They are designed to be assessed practically and provide the apprentices with skills for work and a qualification on successful completion. Edinburgh College provides apprenticeships in partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS).

What types of apprenticeships do we offer?

At Edinburgh College, we offer three types of apprenticeship:

Foundation Apprenticeship (FA)

A 16 to 18-year-old school pupil who is learning theory at college while practising work-based skills at a work placement.

Modern Apprenticeship (MA)

Anyone from 16 years old who is employed, learning theory at college while practising work-based skills at their place of employment.


This can be undertaken by anyone from 16 years old. A pre-apprenticeship is a college course that prepares you with foundation knowledge and skills to prepare you for a modern apprenticeship.

What are the entry requirements for an apprenticeship?

  • Must be aged 16 and over.
  • For Pre-apprenticeships and Modern Apprenticeships, apprentices don’t necessarily need any qualifications, but some may require a general pass at Standard Grade or National 5.
  • Foundation Apprenticeships have varying entry requirements, you can find out more on the specific Foundation Apprenticeship course page.
  • No prior work experience is needed.

How long is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships range from one to four years and are designed to fit around employer requirements. Modes of attendance can vary, please check with our team for more information on specific apprenticeship programmes.

Who pays for the apprentice?

Modern Apprenticeships at Edinburgh College are delivered in partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) to develop Scotland’s young workforce. Funding for employers may be available from Skills Development Scotland (SDS). SDS provide Training Providers (such as Edinburgh College) with a contribution towards the cost of the training. Employers may have to contribute to their apprentice's training depending on their age and the occupational area they are undertaking their apprenticeship in.

All apprentices must have a contract of employment and be paid the appropriate wage by their employer. Find out more information regarding apprentice wages and conditions.

Entrance to Sighthill campus building

Contact us

To find out more about apprenticeships at Edinburgh College please contact:

Foundation Apprenticeships

0131 297 8037

Modern Apprenticeships

0131 297 8600