Are you leaving school this year? It can feel a little bit daunting as you prepare to make decisions about your future, but please be assured that there is lots of support to help guide you to make your choices.
Schools Guarantee
We guarantee the offer of a college place to all eligible school leavers in Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian.
Our guarantee promises that we will help every school leaver who applies to college find a course at the right level in the right area to support their education and career ambitions.
Firstly, it’s important to know what choices are available to you. If you are looking to continue in education then consider what your end goal is and plan how you will get there.
There is more than one route to gaining a qualification. Did you know that you don’t need a place at university to start your degree? Studying an HNC/HND course at college can support progression to University in year one, year two, or in some instances year three and students benefit from:
- smaller class sizes
- flexible study options
- more class contact hours and individual study support
For more information about full time college pathways contact Course Information on 0131 297 8300 (lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm), or e-mail Or you can drop into our virtual or campus open days where you can speak with teaching staff, tour our campuses and see our facilities first hand. Keep an eye on our events page for dates.
Useful websites to help you
Career Coach - An online career and course matching portal that enables you to make informed course and career choices. A direct link to the Edinburgh College course portfolio gives access to over 900 courses with a range of study options to enable progression to employment or further study to achieve career goals.
myworldofwork - Information and advice about career planning from Skills Development Scotland. - Information on Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships and current vacancies.

Studying at Edinburgh College
Whatever level of studying you are at, Edinburgh College has a range of courses designed to get you ready for the world of work.