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Social Sciences incorporating ICS

Applications of Mathematics National 5

Campus Sighthill Campus

Qualification SCQF Level 5

Study mode Evening

Start date Aug 2025

Course enquiry form

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Course overview

This course explores the applications of maths techniques and skills in everyday situations including financial matters, statistics and measurement. The skills, knowledge and understanding you will learn in this course will support learning in other curriculum areas such as technology, health and wellbeing, science and social science. This is a challenging course and requires the ability to study independently. 

National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher qualifications, accredited by the SQA, are typically studied at high school and College. These qualifications act as pathways to further study including university entry. Edinburgh College offers a selection of subjects at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level part-time. You may choose to study up to two subjects. 

Course Fees: £357 per subject. Fees will be confirmed when the application has been processed.

What you will learn

  • Analyse real-life situations and problems involving maths
  • Identify valid mathematical operational skills to tackle real-life problems
  • Select and apply numeracy skills
  • Select and apply skills in finance, statistics, measurement, geometry, graphical data and probability
  • Use mathematical reasoning skills to draw conclusions or justify decisions
  • Communicate mathematical information in an appropriate way

How the course is assessed

  • You will be assessed through two question papers on the breadth of knowledge and skills you have acquired across the course 
  • Use of a calculator will be permitted in one of the question papers 

Number of days per week

  • 1 evening class per week (3 hours) at the Sighthill campus

Entry requirements

  • National 4 Maths (or equivalent) 
  • Applicants should identify clearly the reason for studying their chosen subject in their course application 

Information on Tests / Auditions / Interview Requirements

  • You may be invited to sit a diagnostic test to assess your knowledge and suitability for the course 

English Proficiency Requirements


Progression and Articulation Routes

  • Further study towards careers in teaching or social work.
  • National 5 Applications of Mathematics is accepted for entry to most postgraduate primary teaching courses. However, please check with the university you are considering applying to that this qualification will be accepted as an alternative to National 5 Mathematics.

Study Options

Campus Study mode Start date
Sighthill Campus Evening 26/08/25

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