Two exchange students working together at a desk in a classroom.
29 May 2021

Spain – Language Development and CLIL Teacher Training

Since 2006 the College has delivered English language reinforcement and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) programmes to over 500 teachers from bilingual primary schools in Spain, sponsored by the Madrid Regional Government (Comunidad de Madrid). 

These programmes are tailor-made for groups of teachers involved with teaching curriculum subjects through English, developing both subject specific content and English language skills at the same time. 

The content and timetable of these courses include CLIL methodology and challenges; bilingualism; Scottish Primary School Education; materials and ideas for the classroom; classroom language; language development linked to needs; British/Scottish culture.

The aims and objectives include: 

  • To develop awareness and teaching skills in a bilingual (CLIL) context.
  • To improve personal and professional competence in using English language inside and outside the classroom through topic-based sessions linked to Scottish and Spanish teaching contexts and Scottish Culture.
  • To compare the Scottish teaching context with that of Spain.
  • To develop ability to evaluate and adapt subject-specific materials.
  • To explore Scottish and British culture, heritage and traditions. 

The courses have included talks and lectures from academic specialists in bilingual teaching; local primary and secondary teachers; and talks on Scottish Culture topics. 

Study visits are programmed into the course, to give participants ideas and materials for use in their classrooms. Many museums, galleries and other institutions in Edinburgh have well-established education departments offering curriculum-based projects for pupils and CPD for teachers, and evaluation of resource packs for schools are an important part of the course.