16 Days Of Activism Mailchimp
25 November 2024

16 Days of Activism - Meet our Safeguarding team

16 Days of Activism is an annual international campaign which starts on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

At Edinburgh College, we believe that all members of the College community have the right to study and work without experiencing any form of gender-based violence, abuse or harassment. Edinburgh College will not tolerate gender-based violence in any form.

Read our Gender-Based Violence Policy.

Over the next sixteen days the College’s Safeguarding team will be raising awareness through sharing useful information and resources in relation to Gender Based Violence through our social media and information platforms.

Meet our Safeguarding team 

Kara McKenzie-Tait and Craig Hughes are the Safeguarding and Welfare Leads at our College. Craig covers Safeguarding on Mondays and Tuesdays and Kara covers from Wednesday to Friday. It is their role to look after the safety of our students. They work with college staff and students to ensure that all students are safe and are supported by the appropriate professionals. This includes a whole range of activities such as risk assessments, responding to Safeguarding and Cause for Concern reports, and liaising closely with police, social workers and external partners to ensure that our students are not at risk.

If you need support of advice please speak to a member of college staff or email safeguardingleads@edinburghcollege.ac.uk. For further information students can visit the GBV section on the Wellbeing Hub on Teams.