Colleges celebrate #LoveScotlandsColleges campaign
Colleges across Scotland are celebrating their annual #LoveScotlandsColleges campaign this week, in time for Valentine’s Day, and at Edinburgh College we are celebrating the vital role played by colleges right across the country.
The week-long campaign kicks off today, Monday 12 February, and will highlight the outstanding work of colleges throughout the country, showcasing all the important courses and training offered to Scotland’s workforce now, and the workforce of the future.
The campaign will promote a theme for every day:
- College Love is… Our Partners (Businesses, Employers, Industry, Elected Members) Monday 12 February
- College Love is… Giving Back (Community) Tuesday 13 February
- College Love is… Learning (Fundamental reason for Colleges) Wednesday 14 February (Valentine’s Day)
- College Love is… Our People (Students, Staff, Alumni) Thursday 15 February
- College Love is… All You Need! (Encompassing everything) Friday 16 February
Created by CDN’s Marketing and Communications Network, this annual collaborative campaign is supported right across Scotland’s 25 colleges. The campaign will highlight national and local examples of how colleges are supporting students, employers and businesses, communities, staff and the economy.
Join the conversation - #LoveScotlandsColleges - and find out about the important work of Scotland’s colleges.
It is fantastic to be celebrating Love Scotland’s Colleges Week once again. It is so important that across the country, we recognise the breadth of incredible work that goes on across our sector. Colleges are pillars of our communities both locally and nationally; and are crucial to the development of a skilled workforce for now and in the future. I look forward to seeing lots of examples of achievements and best practice throughout the week.Audrey Cumberford, Edinburgh College Principal