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Industrial Action

Industrial Action

National EIS-FELA Industrial Action 

EIS-FELA, the trade union which represents teaching staff across Scotland’s colleges, has notified the College that it intends to take industrial action in relation to an ongoing national dispute relating to pay.

Strike action is planned to take place at Edinburgh College on:

  • Monday 17 June
  • Wednesday 19 June
  • Thursday 20 June
  • Friday 21 June
  • Monday 24 June
  • Tuesday 25 June
  • Thursday 27 June
  • Friday 28 June 

Information about plans during the above strike days will be shared with students and partners in due course. 

Action Short of Strike

We have also been notified that EIS members may be taking part in action short of strike which means that some staff may not enter student results on College systems. We don’t yet know what the impact of this will be but we are committed to keeping you updated and to doing everything we can to mitigate the impact of this on your studies. 


Frequently asked questions

When is the strike happening at Edinburgh College?

Please see the dates for planned strike action at the top of this webpage. 

What will happen on the strike days?

As we will not know which staff will be working until the days of the EIS-FELA strike, classes will not go ahead on these days, unless students are told otherwise by their lecturer. Lecturers will advise students if classes are going ahead on the strike days. 

Will campuses stay open on the strike day?

Our campuses will remain open for students to undertake self-directed study or access support services. 

Will the strike affect my student support payments?

No, student support payments will not be affected by the strike action. 

Will there be more strike days?

It is likely that further strike dates will be provided in due course. We will communicate these dates with students and partners as soon as we have them. 

Why is the industrial action happening?

The industrial action is in relation to an ongoing national dispute relating to pay. Negotiations are happening at a national level and we hope that a resolution can be agreed soon.

Who can I speak to about this?

If you have any concerns please speak to your lecturer or Student Services or raise it with the Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) team to ensure we can address any queries you may have.